NAST would like to thank the many corporate sponsors who share our mission and vision and have contributed financial support, products, or services.
Your support enables us to organize events, award trophies, and ultimately change Americans’ perception of trucking.
Interested in becoming a NAST sponsor?
We offer many sponsorship opportunities with benefits like vending space at events, prominent placement of your company logo, and promotion on our website and social media pages, depending on your level of financial support.
The Platinum Trophy-Series Sponsor, our highest level of sponsorship, awards the Mid-America Trucking Show Grand Champion with a trophy featuring their company logo.
“We became a N.A.S.T. sponsor because we had heard of its reputation and how well its shows are run. Everyone with N.A.S.T. has always been friendly and helpful. We feel N.A.S.T. makes a contribution to the trucking industry and backs truckers 100 percent. The members still know they are the backbone of America.”
-Tim McLemore, Multi-Wheel Customs, N.A.S.T. Official Sponsor -